HR Support

With increasing pressure to drive efficiency, it can make sense to use temporary additional resource to support special projects or spikes in workload e.g. recruitment exercises, redeployment projects, change projects - we would be pleased to discuss how we could help in this type of situation, in line with your budget constraints.

We specialise in short term support where it may not be worthwhile to engage a long term interim manager.

Examples of the support we have successfully provided include:

  • Supporting internal HR teams in conducting Competency Based Interviews
  • Assessment Centre support
  • Coordinating internal redeployment programmes
  • Preparing employees for internal selection processes
  • Relocation projects - and linked outplacement support

- These types of projects can be resource hungry for a limited time period, and it can be invaluable to call on a team who can respond quickly, with no need for long term commitments.